“ Never regard your study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the
liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the
profit of the community to which your later work belongs. ” – Albert Einstein
MGGEC Alumni Association (MAA) welcomes you all to join our great community which
endeavors to impart, share and collaborate our collective experience among ourselves, the
society and the future alumni.
Feeling a duty to give back to our beloved institution the leanings that we acquired from it; with
renewed and fruitful learning we experienced in life enriching it further.
It’s time we act together, now and in synchrony to make our society and environment a better
place to be in.
Alumni of MGGEC have always been a source of support and inspiration for the students and the
staff of this college. With a long list of famous personalities in the field of films, drama,
literature, beauty pageants, music, dance, journalism, sports and even entrepreneurship, who
have become alumni of this college, have made the institution proud for years.
The alumni always come back to the institution to contribute in various ways. They often guide
the current students and share their experiences in the academics (by orienting and teaching them
or donating their books and other materials), cultural and sports events (by training them for their
performances), or even employment (by training them for their recruitment in corporate world or
making them aware about the career options in their own field).